Senator Tammy Baldwin Is A Climate Champion Who Will Protect Our Progress 

Senator Tammy Baldwin is a climate champion for Wisconsin. Baldwin has advocated for passing legislation to address extreme heat, and air and water pollution while creating good-paying clean energy jobs of the future. She has supported legislation to help and has championed clean energy, having voted for the clean energy plan, which has already spurred over $940 million in investment and has helped create 1,962 new clean energy jobs in the Badger State. Sen. Baldwin has also worked to hold Big Oil accountable calling for the U.S. Department of Justice to prevent and prosecute collusion and price fixing in the industry and introducing legislation to crack down on profiteering by Big Oil by clawing back their windfall profits. 

In stark contrast, GOP Senate candidate Eric Hovde has made support for Big Oil a centerpiece of his campaign for Senate. Hovde has avoided the topic of climate change altogether, instead choosing to attack the largest investment in tackling the climate crisis, calling it a “big, ugly bill.” Hovde’s personal finances show that he supports EVs when there’s money to be made – he’s made over $5 million from electric vehicle stocks while he campaigned against them and spread the lie that Democrats are mandating them. He also said he was “wholeheartedly” opposed to tax credits for clean energy while simultaneously pitching his bank clients on “big solar green energy tax credits.” In contrast to Baldwin’s work to address extreme weather and pollution, Hovde has campaigned on allowing Big Oil to drill more with fewer protections as they’ve propped up his campaign and poured millions into ads supporting his candidacy. 

Hovde is vastly out of touch with Wisconsinites. While 72% of Wisconsinites believe their state should fight for federal climate and clean energy funds to build more clean energy projects, Hovde has parroted the oil and gas industry’s talking points in attacking the clean energy industry. He “wholeheartedly” opposes tax credits for clean energy and claims anyone who believes in transitioning to a clean energy economy is “smoking crack cocaine.” 

In Wisconsin, the impacts of climate change will mean more extremely hot days, increased frequency of heavy rainstorms, and ice cover on the Great Lakes forming later or melting sooner. It’s clear that Hovde would be a threat to Wisconsinites’ health, safety, and economy if elected.

Advancing Climate Action

If You Say One Thing

Advancing climate action is pivotal to ensuring the health, safety, and economic security of Wisconsinites. Senator Tammy Baldwin understands the impacts of climate change and has voted for landmark legislation that provides millions to Wisconsin to fight climate change, while Eric Hovde avoided  addressing the climate crisis and attacked legislation that fights climate change as a “big, ugly bill.” 

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Expanding The Clean Energy Economy

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As of June 2024, Wisconsin has received over $7 billion in funding from the Baldwin-backed clean energy plan – that’s money going to communities all across the state to replace toxic lead pipes, promote climate resiliency, reduce pollution, and advance climate-smart agriculture. But Hovde called the clean energy plan, which has already spurred over $940 million in investment and helped create 1,962 new clean energy jobs in the Badger State, a “big, ugly bill” and his  personal finances show that he supports EVs when there’s money to be made. He’s made over $5 million from electric vehicle stocks while he campaigned against them and spread the lie that Democrats are mandating them. He also said he was “wholeheartedly” opposed to tax credits for clean energy while simultaneously pitching his bank clients on “big solar green energy tax credits.” 

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Extreme Heat

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Wisconsin’s increase in temperatures and extreme heat events put people’s jobs and lives at risk. While Senator Tammy Baldwin understands that climate change has led to increased extreme heat in Wisconsin and has taken steps to address the issue, Hovde has not said anything about the record temperatures that threaten Wisconsinites’ way of life. 

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Clean Air

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Air quality remains an issue in Wisconsin, and communities of color bear the brunt of air pollution. While Senator Tammy Baldwin has fought for clean air, Eric Hovde has said nothing about the issue and supports drilling policies that would worsen air quality for Wisconsinites. 

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Clean Water

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Wisconsin has the ninth-most lead service lines in the nation, putting people’s health and lives at risk. While Eric Hovde remained silent on protecting Wisconsinites’ water, Senator Tammy Baldwin has introduced legislation to improve the quality of drinking water in Wisconsin and voted for a bill that delivered over $120 million to the state for drinking water and clean water infrastructure upgrades. 

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Holding Big Oil Accountable

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Senator Baldwin took on Big Oil. She introduced legislation to crack down on Big Oil’s profiteering, calling on the Department of Justice to use every tool at its disposal to prevent and prosecute collusion and price fixing in the oil industry. On the other hand, Eric Hovde is backed by the oil and gas industry, which has poured over $1.7 million into supporting his Senate bid while he parrots their talking points.  

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