Latest Ads in Ongoing Campaign with Future Forward USA Action and Way to Win Action Fund Spotlights How Biden’s Economic Agenda Fights Corporate Greed 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Climate Power, along with Future Forward USA Action and Way to Win Action Fund, are airing two new ads in their $20 million campaign to educate Americans on the Biden administration’s economic progress. The spots, “NOW – Big Oil” and “NOW – Insulin” show how President Biden is fighting Big Oil and Pharma greed to bring down energy and health care costs for families and create good-paying, family-sustaining jobs. The ads tell two, complementary and powerful stories about the Biden administration taking on corporate greed—in drug companies and in oil companies—to deliver economically with lower costs and new, good-paying jobs.

President Biden’s popular economic agenda is delivering boldly for American families. Since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, more than 140,000 clean energy jobs have been announced, creating good-paying jobs that don’t require four-year degrees. By making wealthy corporations pay their fair share, energy and healthcare costs will go down for families across the country. Last year, oil and gas company profits reached $400 billion while they kept raising energy costs but the Biden administration took them on and passed a plan to lower costs and create jobs.  

“President Biden’s Clean Energy Plan remains intact because our turbocharged clean energy economy is overwhelmingly popular with Americans,” said Lori Lodes, Executive Director of Climate Power. “People deserve to know that President Biden’s economic agenda is holding Big Oil accountable for profiteering by lowering energy costs and creating good-paying, family-sustaining clean energy job opportunities across the country.” 

The ad campaign combines national advertising on television and OTT/streaming digital services.

Scripts of the spots are below. 

Now-Big Oil 

For too long, big oil companies have bought off politicians so they can get away with ripping us off.  

That’s changing… now. 

Joe Biden passed a plan to jumpstart clean energy production in America. 

It’s creating good jobs that can’t be outsourced and will lower energy costs… 

$1,800. That’s how much a new report says the Inflation Reduction Act could save the average American family on energy costs. 

Learn how the Inflation Reduction Reduction Act will save you money. 


For too long, big pharmaceutical companies have bought off politicians, so they can get away with ripping us off. 

That’s changing… now. 

Joe Biden just capped the price of insulin for seniors at $35 a month, 

gave Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices.  

And prices are already starting to go down… 

The out-of-pocket cost is dropping for 27 drugs. 

Learn how the Inflation Reduction Reduction Act will save you money. 


Future Forward USA Action is a collective of strategists, researchers, ad-makers, and data analysts that came together in 2018 and are dedicated to helping rebuild America’s middle class with new ideas, fresh perspectives and strategic approaches. As a part of their work, they are focused on educating the American people on the positive impacts of the Biden-Harris administration.

Climate Power is an independent strategic communications and paid media operation focused on building the political will and public support for bold climate action. Climate Power integrates hard-hitting research, polling, state and national earned media, digital and paid media to influence the national conversation, embolden leaders to take immediate, bold climate action, and expose climate deniers and their oil and gas lobby allies.

Way to Win Action Fund is a strategy tank for progressive donors and organizers seeking a new approach to political funding that wins elections, advances transformative policy, and builds lasting power in the states, particularly across the fast-growing South and Southwest. Way to Win Action Fund promotes social welfare by supporting diverse organizations and their authentic leaders to build long-term community, narrative, and governing power.