Inevitable Republican Nominee Donald Trump Vows to Gut Clean Energy Plan in New Hampshire Speech

Climate contrast and Trump’s opposition to Biden’s clean energy boom will play a central role in 2024

Washington, D.C. – Donald Trump is one step closer to clinching his party’s nomination for President despite a win in New Hampshire that demonstrated both his obvious general election flaws and the weakness of his GOP competition. In his second primary victory speech in just over a week, Trump once again promised to “drill, baby, drill” on day one of his return to the White House. Make no mistake, a second Trump term would take away energy options for Americans by gutting President Biden’s clean energy plan and bringing us back to the days of Big Oil influence that marked his first term in office. 

Climate Power executive director Lori Lodes released the following statement on Trump’s clear path to the nomination: 

“The majority of Americans from Iowa to New Hampshire to Arizona are experiencing extreme weather at increased rates, and they aren’t buying what climate denier Trump is selling. Voters want more energy choices, not fewer; they want more good paying jobs, not dirtier air and water, and they understand that the choice between Biden and Trump is as clear as the sky Trump would pollute. The 2024 general election has begun, and Trump is picking a losing fight.”