This Week in Climate & Clean Energy Wins: Week of 7/31/23


$1 Billion$470 Million$7 Billion
The amount First Solar is investing for their fifth U.S. solar manufacturing plant. The amount of federal funding allocated to expand access to rooftop solar power for Puerto Rico residents.The amount allocated to the EPA’s new Solar for All Competition, which will award grants to expand access to affordable clean energy.

First Solar has announced that it is investing $1.1 billion towards their fifth solar manufacturing plant. The project is expected to create 700 jobs. Ford has resumed assembly on their electric truck, looking to triple production rates on the model. In an effort to switch mainstream U.S. truck buyers to EVs, the assembly operation is cranking up to a 150,000 vehicle per year production rate as early as October and creating 1,200 jobs in the process.

A new report from Energy Innovation found that current state and federal policies could help install upwards of 100 GW of offshore wind farms along the West Coast by 2050. Furthermore, if policies are expanded the wind industry has the capability to generate a quarter of the nation’s electricity and create 400,000 domestic jobs by 2050. We Recycle Solar is just one of several companies in the emerging category of solar panel recycling – a process which extracts high value materials like copper, silver, aluminum, glass, and crystalline silicon from solar panels that have reached the end of their natural life. Data from Renewables Now shows that solar power provided a record-high 7.3% of U.S. electrical generation in May. Nearly a third of the renewable energy workforce is made up of 18-to-29-year-olds with domestic energy employers increasing outreach to students by 86% over the past year.

The Department of Energy (DOE) announced $470 million in funding to expand access to rooftop solar power for Puerto Ricans, and a $7 million investment in the resilience of Puerto Rico’s electric grid – which has been frequently tested by extreme weather events. DOE also launched a series of rebate programs that will provide $20 million for the installation of energy efficient transformers and other industrial equipment, cutting costs for domestic manufacturers, utilities, tribes, hospitals, and schools. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a $7 billion competition that will award up to 60 grants for applicants seeking to increase access to affordable and resilient clean energy.

Lastly, Massachusetts invested $11.5 million in low- and zero-emission vehicle and equipment projects to reduce transportation emissions across the state. In the South, Georgia Power announced the opening of the first new nuclear power reactor built in the U.S. in over three decades. According to the company, this plant will be the largest generator of clean energy in the country. At the University of Arizona, the environmental justice center announced it will invest $10 million in helping low-income communities access federal funding for clean energy projects, marking the single biggest federal investment in improving access to these types of projects.  

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