Climate Groups and Sports Leaders Launch Climate PSAs

The PSAs feature Mexican soccer club, Santos Laguna, and debuted during the final weekend of the Copa América tournament

Climate Power En Acción, in partnership with Corazón Latino and Grupo Orlegi through its Corporate Social Responsibility arm Ganar Sirviendo, launched a series of TV ads as part of En Acción’s $5 million investment called, ” Ganó el medio ambiente, ganamos todos.” Corazón Latino, Climate Power, and Grupo Orlegi joined forces to produce this series titled, “Marcando la Diferencia,” of climate public service announcements (PSA) featuring the Mexican professional soccer team Santos Laguna. This initiative underscores the intersection between the climate crisis and sports, highlighting the critical role athletes and fans can play in driving climate action.

Debuting during the final weekend of the Copa América tournament, these PSAs will reach Latinos who are on the frontlines of the climate crisis. By leveraging the influential platform of soccer, these PSAs will engage and inspire communities to take meaningful climate actions.

A sampling of the three ads can be found below:

“El Reto se Calienta”:

“La Pasión que Respiramos”:

“El Equipo de la Tierra”:

Antonieta Cadiz, Deputy Executive Director for Climate Power En Acción, stated, “The landscape of climate action discourse has shifted significantly. We are proud to see historic climate investments directed towards Latino and frontline communities. With these resources at hand, we created these PSAs to inspire individuals to take complementary, supportive actions to protect our environment. Moreover, we are encouraging them to continue supporting leaders who will prioritize environmental stewardship.”

Felipe Benítez, Executive Director of Corazón Latino, added, “Our communities are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and they’re living through the negative impact of pollution and climate disasters. These PSAs stand in solidarity with them, acknowledging the ways that climate change is impacting our lives while promoting a collective embrace of sustainability. Protecting what we love, such as soccer, is deeply rooted in our culture. Our goal is to harness this sentiment to empower our community to take decisive actions in safeguarding our Madre Tierra.”

Laura Kalb de Irarragorri, Chairwoman of Ganar Sirviendo, Grupo Orlegi CSR arm, stated, “Sports and climate intersect significantly. We take pride in using soccer as a platform for social action. Like so many in our community, our players also experience firsthand the harsh effects of polluted air and extreme heat on and off the field. This is why our commitment to this campaign is so vital—it demonstrates our dedication to fostering positive change.”

The Copa América tournament concluded this past weekend, and the public service announcements aired on Televisa-Univision in North Carolina and Georgia. They were also available on Univision’s streaming services, U-now and VIX.