MEMO: Clean Energy & Climate Action are Winning Messages

The excitement and energy for Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz is growing as we head into the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Vice President Harris has effectively seized the two driving factors in this race: a positive vision for the future (“Opportunity Economy”) and a plan to bring down the costs of living, showing who she is fighting for (taking on “price-gouging”). 

New battleground polling from Hart Research on behalf of Climate Power shows how climate action, clean energy jobs, and cheaper, cleaner energy choices can serve as crucial pillars for both messages. 

When we tell voters Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will lower energy costs, hold Big Oil accountable for gouging at the pump and take action to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren, we win. 

When we tell voters Trump will take away clean energy jobs, give away even more in corporate tax handouts and eviscerate clean air and water protections to please his oil executive backers, he loses.

Below are a few key points from the recent polling about how we win on climate and clean energy messaging in the next 77 days: 

Climate and clean energy are strengths for Harris. Democrats should confidently embrace these issues and emphasize how expanding clean energy lowers energy costs. 

Leaning into clean energy and going on offense against Big Oil is a winning strategy. Harris’ record of making energy more affordable and taking on Big Oil contrasts with Trump’s alliance with oil and gas CEOs who continue to gouge Americans at the pump. 

Climate and clean energy bolster Vice President Harris’ case that she is fighting for our freedoms. The freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water, and live in a healthy climate is on par with values like reproductive freedom and gun safety. 

Climate and clean energy are not just a strength for Vice President Harris, but a real weakness for Trump. Attacking Trump for his harmful record and positions on climate and energy issues reinforces the fact that he is dangerous.


This is going to be a close election and will be decided on the margins. Which candidate can mobilize their less enthusiastic supporters? Which candidate can convince the dwindling number of persuadable voters to side with them? Climate and clean energy messaging can help make the difference for the Harris-Walz ticket and deliver votes for Democrats up and down the ballot. Focus on tripling clean energy production to lower costs for American families. Focus on the contrast of accountability for Big Oil from Kamala Harris or access for Big Oil executives from Donald Trump. Focus on Harris’ promise of a future where every child has the freedom to be safe from pollution that dirties our air and water and fuels the climate crisis.

1 Online poll conducted May 20-26 among 1,921 battleground voters.