Nevada Republicans Want to Repeal the Clean Energy Plan, Do They Want to Give the Money Back?

Carson City, NV — During last night’s State of the Union, President Biden called out the MAGA Congressional Republicans who voted against his clean energy plan but touted the investments, projects, and jobs pouring into their districts thanks to the law. MAGA congressional Republicans have pledged to kill President Biden’s clean energy plan at least 31 times — begging the question: would they give their constituents pink slips and take investments out of their districts? 

Since the passage of the clean energy plan, new clean energy projects have brought 15,938 good-paying jobs and $12.2 billion in investments to Nevada, no thanks to Republicans Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2) and Governor Lombardo. Governor Lombardo was quick to withdraw Nevada from the U.S. Climate Alliance, remove Nevada’s climate strategy from the state’s website, and refuses to set forth a climate plan.   

Six of Nevada’s 14 clean energy projects are in Republican member Rep. Mark Amodei’s district, representing 43% of all projects in the state, $9 billion in investment, and 10,450 new jobs. Nevada’s 2nd district is the GOP-represented district with the highest number of clean energy jobs in the nation. Rep. Amodei voted against the clean energy plan.

Nationally, Climate Power’s latest clean energy boom report shows President Joe Biden’s clean energy plan helped create over 271,000 clean energy jobs since its passage — the majority are in districts represented by Republicans. Over 270 projects totaling $262.19 billion in investment and 144,532 new clean energy jobs in districts represented by Republicans. Do these Republicans want fewer investments in their districts?

“President Biden is a president for all Americans, and his clean energy plan has allowed investments and jobs to flow into communities across the country – no matter whether they vote red or blue,” said Alex Glass, Climate Power’s managing director of communications. “Republicans, on the other hand, care more about partisan politics than the wellbeing of their communities. As they continue to try to repeal the laws responsible for billions in investments and thousands of jobs in their districts, it’s fair to ask: do they want to give the money back?” 
