Trump Confirms What Young Activists Know: He’s a Climate Denier Willing to Put the Planet In Danger

Trump vows to reverse Biden’s historic decision to pause construction of fossil fuel export facilities

Washington, D.C. – At a campaign event in Las Vegas, Nevada, a key state in 2024, Donald Trump highlighted his climate denier positions and re-affirmed his devotion to his Big Oil donors. Just one day following President Biden’s historic move to halt new fossil fuel export facilities until the impact on our climate can be assessed, Trump made clear that he would “approve the export terminals on my very first day back.” Trump also vowed to “drill, baby, drill” – the 17th time he has done so during a campaign event this year. In response to the news, Climate Power senior advisor for oil and gas Alex Witt released the following statement:

“Donald Trump today made the case to young people that Joe Biden is the only presidential candidate who will stand up to Big Oil and take the climate crisis seriously. If elected, Trump will open even more dirty fossil fuel facilities, halt our clean energy boom, and cater to his Big Oil allies at the expense of clean air and water. The stakes of the 2024 cycle couldn’t be any higher, and we must protect our climate progress by defeating him.” 

President Biden has delivered more on climate than any other president in history. In addition to halting new LNG facilities before considering their climate impacts, President Biden passed the largest climate legislation in history. Since the passage of his clean energy plan, over 210,000 clean energy jobs have advanced, Big Oil is being held accountable, and young people have access to clean energy jobs training