Trump Visit Highlights What’s at Stake in November: Over 14,000 Clean Energy Jobs, Hundreds of Environmental Protections

Phoenix, AZ—As President Biden’s clean energy plan continues to be a boom for Arizonans, Donald Trump will visit Phoenix tomorrow to engage in more election denialism and revisionist history about his failed presidency.

While President Biden’s clean energy policies are creating jobs in Arizona and across the country, Trump dismisses climate change as a “hoax” and “bullshit.” During his disastrous term as president, Trump rolled back more than 100 environmental protectionsimposed tariffs on solar, tried to eliminate the electric vehicle tax credit, and slow-walked the leasing and planning processes for renewable energy projects. His actions cost Americans 1.1. million clean energy jobs.

Months out from the 2024 election, Trump and his allies are already putting the White House up for sale. Just weeks ago,Trump offered Big Oil companies a “deal”: $1 billion to usher in their agenda of crushing clean energy while Big Oil price-gouges consumers and rakes in billions.

A second Trump term promises to be, in the words of Politico, “an all-out war on climate science and policies” in which Trump would be, in his own words, a “dictator on day one”.  Since the passage of President Biden’s clean energy plan, congressional Republicans have voted to repeal it more than 30 times. If Trump wins in November, he’s all but guaranteed to gut the plan, which would be devastating for Arizona’s clean energy economy, job growth, and the health and safety of all the families who call Arizona home.
