Senator Sherrod Brown Is A Climate Champion Who Will Protect Our Progress 

Senator Sherrod Brown is a climate champion for Ohioans in the U.S. Senate. Brown acknowledges that climate change is here and has pushed for aggressive action against the crisis, sponsoring legislation that addresses all of its worst effects. To protect workers from extreme heat, Brown introduced legislation – that was later implemented by the Department of Labor – requiring employers to develop a plan to prevent heat-related illness and injuries. On flooding, he called for reauthorization and strengthening of the National Flood Insurance Program and increased investment in flood mitigation. And, to address water pollution, Brown cosponsored bills to remove lead from drinking water and helped write and pass major investments in Ohio’s water infrastructure. Brown has also worked to hold Big Oil accountable, calling for an industry-wide investigation into the industry’s price-fixing and co-introducing a bill that would crack down on profiteering by Big Oil and return the industry’s excessive profits to working people. Legislation that Brown supported to advance our clean energy economy has already spurred over $10 billion in investment and has helped create 13,887 new clean energy jobs in the Buckeye State, and with his support, will continue to see more. 

In stark contrast, Bernie Moreno has made oil and gas production a centerpiece of his campaign for Senate. Moreno questioned climate change and likened global warming concerns to “a cult.” He also has called for more oil and gas exploration in Pennsylvania.  In contrast to Brown’s work to address extreme weather and air and water pollution, Moreno has not said or done anything to address the impacts of the climate crisis – instead, he wants to repeal legislation that seeks to address them. He’s even repeatedly lied about Democrats mandating electric vehicles and taking $300 million from Medicare and Medicaid to subsidize them – claims that have been refuted time and time again. It’s clear that Moreno would be a threat to Ohioans’ health, safety, and economy  if elected. 

Bernie Moreno is out of touch with the Ohioans. More than six in 10 Ohio voters think developing more renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, should be the most important priority for addressing Ohio’s energy needs, while Moreno wants to repeal legislation that has led to Ohio’s clean energy boom. In Ohio, the impacts of climate change will mean more frequent flooding, ice cover on the Great Lakes forming later or melting sooner, and more extremely hot days. The state’s agriculture, its economy, and people’s health will all be hurt: 

Advancing Climate Action

If You Say One Thing

While Senator Sherrod Brown recognizes the need to act now to address climate change and has voted for legislation showing that Congress understands the issue, Bernie Moreno has likened having global warming concerns to being in “a cult.” 

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Expanding The Clean Energy Economy

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As of June 2024, Ohio has received over $13.2 billion in funding from the Biden-Harris administration’s clean energy plan – that’s money going to communities all across the state to promote climate resiliency, reduce pollution, and advance climate-smart agriculture. The Brown-backed clean energy plan has already spurred  $10.47 billion in investment and helped create 13,887 new clean energy jobs in the Buckeye State, but Moreno wants to repeal it and take away the good-paying jobs it creates.

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Water Pollution

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The Ohio River,  which provides drinking water to over five million people, is the second-most endangered river in the nation due to pollution. While Senator Sherrod Brown has cosponsored bills to remove lead from drinking water and helped write and pass major laws that invest in Ohio’s water infrastructure,  Bernie Moreno has not provided any plan to address water pollution in Ohio. 

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Extreme Rainfall And Flooding

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Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of extreme rainfall and flooding in Ohio. While Senator Sherrod Brown called for the reauthorization and strengthening of the National Flood Insurance Program and increased investment in flood mitigation, Moreno has not provided any plan to address extreme rainfall and flooding in Ohio. 

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Extreme Heat

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Climate change has caused Ohio to see an increase in temperatures and extreme heat events, putting people’s lives at risk. While Senator Sherrod Brown introduced legislation – that was later implemented by the Department of Labor – that protected workers from extreme heat on the job by requiring employers to develop a plan to prevent heat-related illness and injuries, Bernie Moreno has not provided any plan to address extreme heat in Ohio. 

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Holding Big Oil Accountable

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Senator Sherrod Brown has stood up to Big Oil throughout his career.  In several different Congresses, Brown cosponsored legislation to prohibit oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes, cosponsored a bill to close billion-dollar tax breaks to Big Oil companies, and co-introduced legislation that would crack down on profiteering by Big Oil and return the industry’s excessive profits to working people. Bernie Moreno meanwhile, advocated for Big Oil while receiving nearly $125,000 from the industry. 

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